Top 10 Wedding Planning Tips from Popup with Style
We are long time admirers of Popup With Style who are wedding planning experts and talented creatives when it comes to putting together dream days with ease.
Even on an average day it is common to become overwhelmed with the wedding planning process. Throw in a global pandemic and all of a sudden, an overwhelming experience becomes a mountain that is, at times, too towering to begin.
Popup With Style want to encourage everyone to take their first wedding planning steps – after all it only takes a series of small steps before you are suddenly at the top.
To cheer you on your way, here are Popup With Style’s top 10 tips for getting started….
How do you achieve something, or measure those achievements if you haven’t set your intentions and focus? Your intention for the whole day is what you refer to for motivation on the tough days and to give yourself a pat on the back on the good days!
Having a clear focus is a really valuable tool because at times throughout this journey, you are going to need to remind yourself of what is important. Now while you might initially think your goal is to have the most stunningly epic wedding day ever (duh), we challenge you to think deeper than this. The fact is, none of this would be happening if you hadn’t met the most adorable, drop-dead gorgeous, honeysuckle of a human whose love you want to sing about from the mountain tops! This celebration is all because two people fell in love so it’s so important to remember that – because it’s where the passion comes from.
While we are on the subject of ‘valuable tools’ – let’s talk budget. Often perceived as the bitchy cousin of the wedding planning artillery….who we are going to drown in kisses and kindness. Talk about your budget with your partner, and set it together. This will help to make sure you are starting on the on the same page. Do your research, talk to friends, reach out to suppliers or read great blogs (like this outstanding resource). Communicating effectively about your budget from the very beginning, ensuring it is an amount that is realistic and one you’re both comfortable with, will help create a positive sense of achievement throughout your journey.
What are the top three most important things you want to remember about your wedding day? In five years, when you are reminiscing about the legendary event that it was, what do you want to be talking about? These three items become non-negotiable – it could be photography, the dress, food or entertainment.
Whatever it is, focus on making sure that these are exactly how you want them to be, and be ruthless with everything else. Work them into your budget and then cut costs where dollars don’t need to be spent.
Having a visual concept of what your dream wedding day looks like is super useful when it comes to decision making. Trust us, when you are swimming in a sea of gorgeous linens, making a choice on one can quickly become overwhelming without a mood board to refer back to.
It may seem tricky, but even having a clear idea of what you don’t like can be a good place to start. Eventually you will find a path towards what you do like, and everything will begin to come together to create a picture of your day. There are many helpful apps such as Pinterest, Instagram and PicCollage – don’t feel guilt about spending hours on this over a cocktail, it’s all in the name of research!
Communication is key! And here it is all about referring to your focus, priorities and mood board.
If you take your time with the first four steps and you’re confident with your plans, goals and concepts, it becomes a huge strength. You will then be reaching out to suppliers with a clear idea of what your day will look like (both visually and financially), and you will use these tools to communicate effectively and concisely.
Suppliers will gain an initial understanding of what you are looking for, and you will be able to make confident decisions based on the alignment between what they are offering and what you are looking for.
The notion of DIY’ing becomes very appealing when all of the dollar signs start adding up. We totally get it, and you’re often thinking, ‘man, I’ve got 12 months to do this – how hard can it be?’. While creative involvement is completely encouraged on some levels, it pays to be realistic about what this looks like. Maybe get involved in tasks that can be completed at least one month prior to your wedding day, rather than finding yourself onsite on the morning of your wedding day, running around like crazy in a robe and rollers.
It is very easy to be influenced by the opinions of friends, family, even your hairdresser! But have you ever noticed that when you are confident about what you are doing, people are less likely to offer their oh-so-helpful advice? Instead, they seem to listen to your ideas. This is another benefit of taking your time to be clear from the start, because changing your mind on things can be a waste of time, energy and money.
Want to save yourself from waking up in the middle of the night in horror because you have just remembered you forgot to order that gold-plated, monogrammed glassware? Now what are people going to drink from? Spreadsheets are such a brilliant way of tracking everything – from budget to timeline, run-sheets and guest lists. Having a central location for all of your items will help you feel like a wedding planning boss.
While we know you are freaking amazing (just ask your fiancé), you don’t have to do everything yourself. After all, it is your wedding – so why should you be stuck with the boring jobs? Typically, the number one most dreaded task on everyone’s planning list is the seating chart. You could take the easy option and have a cocktail-style wedding or simply delegate the task!
Give your parents or a sibling your family to place, and your partner’s family can place their kinfolk. We’re sure you can find a bridesmaid or groomsmen who would love the responsibility of placing everyone else. Then all you need to do is a quick edit at the end – easy peasy.
Live it, breathe it….tattoo if you need! Just love each other throughout the process and remember….there’s always wine.
These wise wedding planning words from Popup With Style are the calm, considered focus every couple needs. For more of their offering, you can click here and check them out on our directory. To arm yourself with the planning tools – think budget spreadsheet and how-to guides – visit our e-store here.